Saturday, August 30, 2008
erm... this few days...
i feel much much better, i dun wan a meaningless life anymore, i force myself go class, all the classes i success 2 attend, wakaka...
den i went 4 blood donation oso, it was my 4th time 2 donate my blood liao, "donate blood save life"... den i did my preparation 4 my BHM midterm hardly oso, the i very satisfied v wat i did during the test, hope can get a good result la...
den hor, go 4 hair cutting, "ah choon, go change ur hair style la, c liao oso sienz..." from KK... so i decided 2 change my hair style, i juz gv my hair 2 the APT senior, n she start shorten my hair, till........ actually still ok la, juz gt a bit weird behind, cin you @ tee hai keep calling me ku-wak-zai =.=
ok la, gt 1 day 2 hv a rest, den monday hv 2 continue v the CNYE proposal liao, jiayou ah choon..!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
~~ thx u all ~~
juz a short update...
wan 2 thx all my frens who r caring me...
i'll b alrite de...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
anything?? sad...
skip pretty many classes...
like 2day, i really planned 2 go class even i 4am only slp...
failed 2 wake myself up oso...
miss the classes again...
kai ma in trouble, cannot help...
CNYE theme needed, cannot help...
bank account screaming, cannot help...
my brain keep complaining, cannot help...
my mental keep downing, cannot help...
my body keep tired + ing, cannot help...
my eyes are goin 2 close, cannot help...
my phone hv no credit, cannot help...
bcoz of those "cannot help..."...
i'm really cannot be helped...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
PS://very very very de zhun.. =_="\\
sorry 2 myself, sorry 2 my frens who r concern 2 me...
currently damn busy, a lot a lot of things r waiting me 2 do, CNYE plan, proposal, midterm test, assignment, community service, basketball competition, 30 hours famine....
i wish i can do wan i hope 2, bt unfortune, the 1 i hope the most now will b the 1 the most difficult 4 me 2 achieve, bt if i can choose, i would choose 2 archive it, bt nt the others, sorry....
someone said, have a small break can let us move further....
it is correct...
bt the problem is...
i even dun hv the little time 2 rest...
is tat worth??
juz finished a damn unexpected mid-term test, den hv 2 push the IVSC ticket in cyberia by way door-to-door
but i juz done my 1st door den 1 of my malacca budd reach cyber 2 visit us, damn happy 2 heard bout it, den go oldtown yamcha v him, v chat happily...
den hor, meet many many frens there, li liang, xuan hao, wei lun, guo xiong them were playin basketball there, ngam ngam less 1 player, den ask me go play, den ma go joint them lo (actually quite wish 2 play oso de) who noes, gt some of the players very very very de girldish, juz accidently touched their fingernails only say fault (walao, if play like this i think better play v gals lo) and the problem is.... i play v Kaki ayam, many part of my leg injured, is tat worth 2 injured coz play v those fooooooooooolish?? den this coming sunday gt a AND1 3 on 3 competition at Berjaya Time Square oso, very soli 2 my teammates coz i never take good care of myself, bt i'll still try my best, i wont gv up de, trust me...
ok la, hv 2 continue my preparation 4 my moral studies liao, gambatte n good luck 4 those who r taking the same course oso ya....
ps:\\wish can recover soon soon o//
日期: 16-8-2008
时间: 7pm
地点: MMU赛城 Grand Hall
陈信有 – email: 联络号码:016-3173324
韦雁龄 – email: 联络号码:012-7209163
opps... Mr. Teh Eng Choon
juz finished read kai ma's blog, found a very meaningful link, it do tell me wat is my name's hidden meaning...
What Teh Eng Choon Means |
You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home. You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life. You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone. Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs. You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily. You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind. A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable. You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life. You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you. At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself. What Ah Choon Means You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily. You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind. A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable. You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life. You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you. At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. |
在我们的路途中,我们宣传组的几个” 鸟人” 坐在一起,所以就开始鸟咯
首先是我们的陈进义的电话响,是一个女的打来不懂要做什么调查的(大家都懂是打来骗人的) ,结果就开始玩她咯,在那边跟她说一大堆废话,那女的就觉得奇怪咯,做么我们一直在那边笑的,陈进义竟然还说因为他在看周星驰的戏,这个时候当然是要我背一大堆周星驰的经典名句咯,然后大家都笑到反,当那女的要盖电话时,那陈进义竟然还大胆的问她拿电话号码,哈……
接下来就是大家玩牌咯,为什么玩牌会这么值得我来讲咧?? 因为玩牌的时候发生了一些小插曲,那就是有一个蛮多话讲的小姐在巴士上一直讲,一直讲,讲到整辆巴士都是她的声音,而且又是说那些有的没的,什么不懂会不会睡树上啊,睡山洞啊,结果我们就一边玩牌,一边说一些有刺的话,哈哈……
还有,当我们在巴士上要吃晚餐时,TEE HAI是一直都吃素的,结果就有一位HAN PEI先生在填这个营的参加表格时[跑去填吃素,结果那天的晚餐就是白饭加两样青菜,我们就一直笑HAN PEI,说他活该,哈
大概七点多时,我们终于到达我们的目的地—ULU BENTUL
我们集合后就由我们的营长ANDY演讲一下后被分成六个小组,每个组由七个组员组成。分组后,我们就必须选出组长,想组名,SLOGAN,组歌,还有要DESIGN我们组的一个” 版”
我的组就由我,RICHARD,DARREN,ZYIN,XZHEN,竟毓,和祥瑞组成,本来大家都要选RICHARD做组长的,但是他说给我们年轻的做,最后就选了我来挑起这重大的责任,哈……营委们说组名必须是艺人的名字,所以我们就取了” 曹格” 为 我们的组名。在做完一切必须要做的东西之后,游戏开始了。首先是给我们每一组一张纸,里面有十个不同人和不齐的资料,就要我们在最短的时间内把所有资料都 找出来。在这个比赛中,我们组都被玩到好像做劳工似的,又扛这个,又抬,又背的,结果我们得到第二名。然后就教我们跳了几支舞,之后我们就被带回去我们的 帐篷,把行李放好后,就带我们去我们的营地走走,是暗暗的,只带手电筒就走那种,不过幸好都没发生什么事故啦。走完一圈后,我们就进行下一个游戏。这个游 戏是这样的,由两组围一个圆圈,然后大家闭上眼睛,就由营委们在身后点一个人,然后那个人就针对一个心里面的目标,然后问一道问题,之后又由营委再点一个 人,那个人就要回答刚刚那个问题,回答之后就问另外一道问题,就一直这样下去……我们那组在这个游戏中就厉害咯,问那些问题简直就是令人出冷汗,又什么” 初吻在几岁” ,” 初吻在那里” ,过瘾!!!
游戏完毕之后,就到了我们的宵 夜时间,宵夜之后我们就回去帐篷里睡觉了。就在刚好要睡的时候,天不作美,竟然下起雨来了,本以为没什么的,睡下睡下才发现我们的帐篷漏水,不能睡,就被 逼要到ASTAKA去睡,一去到ASTAKA,哈,原来还蛮多认识的人在嘛,哈哈……那晚睡ASTAKA的很多都睡不着,因为我们是只铺了薄薄的睡袋,然 后就躺在上面,其实是间接性睡在地板上,所以就太硬了,然后又有很多虫在灯管那里飞来飞去,一直撞到灯管,很吵……就在躺到凌晨时,我忽然听到从很远的地 方有人在唱歌,又不懂是什么歌,所以就很怕咯,以为自己听到不该听的东西,心想还是不要告诉他们,免得他们怕,谁知道第二天他们全部都说有听到,原来还有 别的人在露营,所以并不是我们想的那样
哇!! 冷到要死,洗刷完后就集合咯,然后吃早餐,到做早操。做早操时才知道,原来现在的年轻人做早操都要做YOGA了,又拉这里,拉那里-_-“,不过也好啦,可以说是第一次接触YOGA
之后我们被带到一个空地,分回 我们的六组,排成一个六角形,然后每一组又被安排了另外一个名字,比如说老虎和老鼠,然后营委就会给指示,像老虎抓老鼠,然后老虎那一组就要去抓老鼠那一 组,而被叫到被抓的那组就要快快跑到在自己组后面十步的基地里,只要回到基地里的就不会被抓,被抓的就是属于成功抓住他的那组的人了,这个游戏最后由我的 组胜出^^
之后,我们就要开始跑站了,就 是我们必须在定了的时间以内去十个站,每个站都会给我们一些任务,我们必须完成了任务才可以去下一站,在完成任务后营委们就会以我们进行任务时的表现来奖 励我们,就一直这样在时间内收取最多的奖励。这个环节其实是可以说是营委们故意为难或玩我们的环节,一直被淋那些有鸡蛋啊,苏打饼啊,西瓜木瓜的水,恶心 死了
午餐过后又到了另外一个游戏环 节了,这个环节是组与组之间的比赛,就是我们可以去挑战别的组,去玩一些游戏,在游戏之前,两组都要拿出一些刚才那个环节赢回来的奖励来跟对方赌,游戏完 毕后赢的那一组就会从对手身上拿走刚才的赌注,而如果营委们觉得刚刚的比赛很精彩的话就会给一些额外的奖励。但是这个环节有道具可以买的,就是”SURE WIN” 卡,”NO FOUL” 卡,和” 减二人” 卡,一旦我们买了这些道具后,我们在比赛的过程中使用时就会有不同的效果,而赢得比赛的机会就会变大。
那个环节完毕之后,又到了另外 一个比赛环节,就是玩躲避球,本来以为我的组可以胜出的,因为我跟RICHARD都有打球的,心想应该可以配合到,谁知就是因为会打球所以害了我们,因为 我们都第一次玩躲避球,一直很想用手去接球,谁知只要你接的球掉了,那就算是你被丢中了,然后就会被淘汰出局,很不幸运的,我们组就是我跟RICHARD 先被淘汰出来了,所以就输掉了比赛T_T
不过,之后他们有叫我和 RICHARD去自己比赛,就是他们找4个人,我跟RICHARD再找两个人组一对出来比赛,这次我们都变聪明了,打死不接球,只闪,所以最后的结果 是…………我的队被对方淘汰了两个人,但我跟RICHARD就合作,他传球,我抛球,把对方4个都淘汰出去了,终于让人家看到我们的实力了,哈哈哈……
好啦,躲避球也玩完了,是时候到” 营委大报复” 了,这个环节是每一组可以选出一位他们认为玩他们最多的营委出来,然后把剩下的颜料啊,水果啊,惨在一起淋他,哈哈,结果就……
洗完后当然是晚餐啦,晚餐之后 我们又到ASTAKA去集合,然后又进行下一轮的环节……这个环节是这样的,照样六组,在加上由营委们组成的一组,共七组,然后就会有其中一组出去抽签, 把另外一组抽出来,然后被抽出来的那组就会在17个VIDEO CLIP里挑一个,然后就会把那个VIDEO播出来,之后抽签和被抽出来的两组就要在短时间内把那VIDEO表演出来,再由另外那五组打分。我那组非常的 不幸,比赛两次,两次被选中的VIDEO都是跳舞,第一次是跳无理头的MR。BEAN舞,然后第二个是亚洲小天王RAIN的舞-_-“……不过由于我们组 的精彩表演,我们的第一个舞得到50分满分,第二个舞得到46分,以总分96分险胜由另外一位高手” 熙涵” 领队的组一分得到冠军。
之后营委跟营员们要求我们的营长ANDY和TOMY来跟我和熙涵PK,心想这次不要再来跳舞了,最后还是被选到跳舞,而且难度更高,是国标舞!! 不过最后是我们两组都以50分打平啦,哈
之后我们到了一个很严肃的环节,就是TOMY和ANDY说出他们为了这个营的付出,然后也要我们说出感想,当然是没有选人的啦,就自愿去讲的……一开始,坐在我旁边的CIN YOU和JANE就叫我出去讲了,但是我回了他们一句” 我不适合在这么严肃的时候讲话的” , 之后就让别人讲咯,讲了几个后,TOMY说最后一个了,这个讲完后就不用在找人讲了,然后我就发现很不对劲,往左手边一看,CIN YOU和JANE又再瞪着我了,好啦好啦,只好硬着头皮去讲咯,讲完之后就洗刷,然后宵夜,然后就自由活动,而我们就一班跑去ASTAKA聊天,聊下聊 下,累了,就回到帐篷里睡咯
跟前一天一样,六点对起身,七 点集合,早餐,然后营委带我们去跑圈,跑完圈后就做早操,然后我们的副营长兼CAMERAMAN--SUKI就帮我们每一组拍照,然后就到了我们营的最后 一个较好玩的环节了,就是我们必须过几关,然后分到一些罐头和调味料,之后就要开始打猎(营委们扮猎物) ,猎物有分好和坏,如果是好的话就可以再去抽罐头,如果是打到坏的话他就会抢走我们的罐头或什么什么之类的,之后我们就煮掉打猎回来的东西,而这个环节我们组最多菜,我们一共有七碟菜,而那七碟菜就是我们的午餐了,哈哈!! 午餐时很开心,因为那是我们最好的一餐了,很丰富,也很好吃……然后我们的全创主席--雁龄就说我们大家都是一起为全创工作的,就说要我们六组煮出来的菜一起吃,大家都吃到很开心哦……
my advices 2 my fren
actually this post is purposely type 4 1 of my fren de, bt 4 my information, probably he is nt interested in such things like blogs, spaces, or news, or watever la... this post can oso b a good reference 2 u guys la, bt i think u shuld noe i'm talking bout "u" if u r the correct person... and 4 those who r reading this post, plz, this post nt containing any funny points, i'm very serious in this post....
(dun 4gt this post is juz purposely 4 1 fren, if u r nt the correct person, juz take it as a reference....)
v noe each other since v were in standard 4, tat is a long period since v noe each other till now, n i think tat u sure can feel bout our relationship gone bad d, nt only ours, even u v other frens tat v noe since v were a child... bt y u never think y is it happened 2 u??
now, i juz act as a representative 2 let u noe where is ur mistakes... n i hv 2 tell u tat, if there is only 1 or 2 ppl dun like u, den it might b their problem, bt if more than tat, den sure is ur problem... if u notice this post, i hope tat u can really put more effort on ur attitude, plz....
1st, v all really dun like they way u think, y u owez keep many many things in ur mind 1?? if u r really our fren, dun owez keep those things in ur heart, juz say it out, y u owez feel ashame bout those things?? like if u really dun like 2 watch tat movie arr, y dun u juz say it out bt juz owez find some reasons 2 reject it?? or if u feel tired d, den y dun u juz tell us?? v gt so many frens can help u 2 do those things when u feel tired, bt y u keep on dun admit tat u were tired n still continue ur work?? is tat really so ashame 2 admit bout u r tired??
2nd, u r ady 19 liao, u shuld try 2 accept n try many new things liao... i means sometimes u r nt supposed 2 ignore something coz u never try it... like if v go 4 steambot or buffet, everything there r nt poisoned, all r ready 4 u 2 eat 1, y r u so scare 2 eat something new?? it is ok if u ignore it after u tried, bt u never try it oso, everytime juz eat the same thing like hot dog arr, fish ball arr.... u nt boring i oso bored bout it.... nt only eat, everything oso, like if v go shopping, which shirt u like den try la, bt u never try in front us oso, den next day u go 2 the same shopping center, same shop, den buy the shirt, walao....
3rd, u hv 2 learn many things in ur life liao, it is 4 ur own good... wat r the things tat i means ler?? communication scale, survive scale, daily needed scale, many many.... u ady be our frens around 10 years liao, y u still cannot get the way how v communicate de?? all of us can communicate well 2 each other bt y u cannot make it de?? v r nt only do it well around us, even some strangers or new frens oso v can communicate v them, how bout u?? everytime v go out 4 drink or wat, u owez act like a fool there, wat oso dun wan talk, once u talk den dunno wat r u talking bout oso, aiyo.... come on la, b mature abit la.... den another scale, survive scale, sometimes v dun hv any chance 2 make a choice 1, this call forced, v sure forced 2 suit ourself or do something, like if v reach a place tat dun hv any food tat v like 2 eat, den how?? if dun hv any transportation problem den sure can settle la, if there is no any transport 2 leave the town tat only can find those food tat u dun like ler?? den how?? tell u la, when v r forced 2 do something, den v hv 2 accept n do it, y?? coz v hv no choice... u cannot juz follow wat v eat n drinks, u shuld dare 2 choose other foods, y if there is no those foods u like den u can juz dun wan eat ler?? haiz...
4th... do u noe u r over show off?? if u r really expert on it, den its ok, bt u juz owez say tat u can do this, can do tat, bt actually u dunno at all, den like this really disgusting de... for example la, basketball.... when v r playing basketball hor, if juz chat or make fun den nvm, bt y u owez act urself like a couch or captain?? owez teach ppl how 2 play, how 2 move, walao.... come on la, many frens dun like this la, noe??
5th, this 1 i simplified it.... dun owez depends on parents liao, muz try n learn 2 make a decision or settle a problem liao, if decide liao den muz dare 2 admit bout it, dun do liao den nt dare 2 admit bout it den find other reasons 2 keep urself away from the incident, do u noe like this will coz many ppl "die" 1 arr?? haiz... den dun wat oso wait ur parents come n settle urself liao, 19 d lo, everything hv 2 learn how 2 settle urself liao lo, i started 2 try 2 settle problem since i was standard 5 arr, leng zai, i really jealous coz u dun need 2 think 4 all problem, parents r owez ready 4 u, haiz....
haiz... still gt many things, dunno how 2 describe it, god bless u la, i really hope u will see n read this post, coz i hope tat u still can maintain the friendship v all frens, sincere 1... all the best...
countdown??? notes notes???
new year liao lo, wish all of u good luck in 2008 la...
juz now hor, supposed go out 4 countdown de ma, bt unfortunelately hor, hv 2 prepare 4 my final, haiz...
actually this is nt my 1st time 2 staying at home study during the countdown 4 the new year liao de, last year oso same, next year oso will b same, y?? coz the stupid academic schedule la, sure exam in this period de, SURE!!! dunno how the management arrange de, HARI RAYA sure sem break, Chinese New Year ler?? last year juz 1 week only, bt nt fair oso de, coz juz started a new sem 2 weeks only CNY liao, and the holidays were consider as mid term break, den hv 2 continue study 4 another 3 months, walao, non-stop ler.... den this year CNY ler?? haiz... 4 days, bt actually the real holidays r juz only 2 days, bt after the 2 days ngam ngam is weekend, den juz gt another 2 days extra, haiz.... even many students requested 4 extra holidays, rejected oso, haiz.... ei?? y talk till sooooo far d de?? nt talking bout the countdown de meh?? hehe...
haiz... same as last year la, countdown v all my notes, notes notes n notes.... no choice la, last year gt exam in 2nd Jan, this year exam on 3rd Jan, how 2 celebrate wor... bt last year at least gt frens plan 2 go out, bt many of my frens dun wan go only... this year nt same, this year never think bout it oso, transport problem... dun hv many frens drive in cyber, tats y din go out oso lo, haiz....
bt anyway, i very happy oso la, coz my housemate still go out yamcha v me, many many frens sms me, msn me, den at least my notes wont leave me alone ma, if 1 alphabet consider 1 fren, den i think gt much much "frens" countdown 2gather v me oso, wakaka.... (syok sendiri ^^)
ok la, hv 2 stop liao lo, wan continue accompany my notes notes liao (so pity, nt my notes accompany me, bt i accompany them ><).... all the best 2 all MMU student in their final la, den i'll back 2 gopeng after this week de lo, c u guys in gopeng la, i noe u all missing me very very muchiiiieeee de la, haha....
all the best o....
*ps: mr 2008, welcome 2 my world, hope u'll bring lots of luck 2 me, thx ya.....
我十二个朋友九点办开始从怡保出发,而我和IVAN和CHONG SHEN(他只是搭顺风车)则十点半开始从CYBERJAYA出发...其实原本不用这么早开始出发的,就是因为那个搭顺风车的还要赶马六甲到柔佛一点半 的巴士,所以就提早出发咯......插不上十二点十五分我们就抵达马六甲了,然后把那个那个搭顺风车的送去搭三所,然后我就和IVAN去找我那天行程的 引路人--伟程...到了他家后,我就要开始租车,可是因为那天是马来人的大日子,所以很多人都去玩,要不就是没有多于的车可以租,要不就是自己放假,那 天不租车.....可是最后当然还租到啦,哈哈哈......在一切的准备功夫做好之后,我们去八百烧腊吃午餐,在那里我又遇到了很多很多朋友,很开心, 还信口开河的答应他们会多留几天找他们喝茶....
看看时间,差不多了,我怡保朋友们的巴士差不多要到了,所以就要到巴士站去接他们 了......大概两点半,我终于找到他们了,朋友们,好久不见.....之后我们就出发到旅店了.....到了旅店后就check in咯,之后就准备一下,然后就带他们到马六甲最出名的两间购物中心,MAKHOTA PARADE和DATARAN PHALAWAN,可是由于时间的不允许,所以我们只可以在那里逗留一下下,令到几个购物狂很遗憾,还一直问我还会不会回来,哈,对不起,我们这次的行程 是很密的哦,没多余的时间回来 :P
之后又是时间回旅店好好冲凉一下,然后继续我们的旅程了....下一站是SAMPAN,SAMPAN是一个 还蛮出名的拍拖圣地,刚好这次的旅行里面又有超多的情侣,我心想他们一定会很开心吧,谁知,和我想的不一样....我之所以会带他们去SAMPAN吃晚餐 是因为那里的气氛超好的,怡保很难会有这样的地方,以前SAMPAN是在海边的,你一下车就会=听见海浪和海岸之间冲撞所发出来的舒服海浪声,然后食物又 不错,价钱合理.....可是当我一下车是,怎么这么静的???天啊!它最吸引人的地方,海边的餐厅,竟然变成了是一堆沙上面的餐厅,为什么呢??因为政 府把那个海给填了!!!浪漫的气氛简直是没完了.....不过不用紧咯,还是可以继续我们的晚餐,哇.......不只它浪漫的气氛没了,就连食物都变差 了,很多人(包括我)都觉得它的东西根本没有什么味道的 -_-" 挨过了不是很满意的晚餐后,我们就前往MMU出名的酒吧--PURE BAR.....本以为那天会很多人的,因为那天碰巧是PURE BAR的周年记念日,没想到还是不会很多人,不过还是算多啦,因为是weekday啊,所以还好....进到去,哈,真的很多很多朋友,心想今晚一定是疯 了,谁知道那天的气氛简直是不能high起来,只是我和几班朋友玩罢了,不过还是很开心啦......然后再看一下我怡保的朋友,虽然有一部分可以玩,但 是还是有几个不大放的开,就躲在一边闷闷不乐的,所以就早一点离开咯....下一站是klebang海边.....在去klebang的路途中,我看了看 时间,想一想,刚刚在pure逗留了接近一个小时半,我喝了两瓶半的carlsberg和一杯的色酒,原来喝了那么多了.....到了klebang后, 我们全部就自由活动咯,要玩水的玩水,要拍拖的拍拖,而我就坐在一边,跟我一个好兄弟和一个死党(他们俩是情侣)说我去年在马六甲读书的生活,他们都觉得 我去年过得好爽,当然我也这么认为,哈......接着就回旅店咯,回旅店后就开始洗刷,然后准备要睡的时候竟然被同房的三个老死吵醒,不让我睡,因为他 们说要赌博!!!哈,也好,反正要玩就是这样,结果赌了一个小时多竟然没输没赢,那不是浪费了睡觉的时间??还是去睡吧,第二天可是很忙的哦 ^_^
本来是跟他们说九点集合的,但我的引路人说要迟一点点,所以就delay了一点咯,谁知一集合就被他们说我不受时了,明明我也是在等。...... -_-"
然 后我们开始出发到武吉波浪,到一间名叫"老地方"的经济点心楼吃点心,由于那里超近我学校,所以以前都常去的.....吃完过后就去领我们租的第二辆车, 领了之后就和我们的引路人说拜拜了,因为他要回家过冬至....之后又来了第二个引路人,小蜜蜂,他是刚好要回家,所以我们顺便载他,然后由他来带我们去 A‘ Famosa,不过他也帮了我们很大的忙啦,因为如果没有小蜜蜂的话我们应该不会这么顺利就可以到A’ Famosa了....
到了A‘ Famosa,原来有几个朋友碰巧不方便去玩水,没办法咯,他们只好去safari park咯....进了water world,换好衣,要去租tube的时候竟然发生了tube不够的情境,要等别人还tube才有得租给我们,而且还有很多人在排队,结果一排就排了两个 小时,当中还有人打电话去管理处投诉,租到tube后就开始我们疯狂的下午了....这次是我一年里第三次去A’ Famosa和第二次挑战最高,最刺激的游戏了,就是从不懂几楼的高度滑下来,真的太刺激了!!!玩够了之后就冲凉准备回家咯,还有当然要去吃入场包括的 餐点咯......
接下来就回旅店休息一下,然后打算带他们去文化街(jonker walk)的,结果少了引路人的我们一直都到不到那里,但还好最后还是记得路了,但那时已经很晚了,所以他们都同意说可以不要去文化街,所以又带他们去吃 当地美食,satay celup,在去的路途中,我朋友很机灵的看到有一间写着satay celup的牌,为什么不要去那间??问的好,你们这么少机会来,要就不吃,要吃当然要吃最出名的!!到了capitol,死鬼多人,又要等,幸好不用等 很久就有位了......当他们全部都品尝到satay celup后,个个都赞不绝口,猛说好吃,哈....
吃完了,还钱了,接着要去那里 呢??有些想去eyes on melaka,有些想去我一直括在嘴边,史上最便宜的桌球中心,结果就分两批咯,要去eyes on melaka的就去咯,要打桌球的就来咯,我就当然是去打桌球啦,哈....senyum, ayoob mamak楼上的桌球中心,为什么被称为是史上最便宜呢??两个小时RM10一桌,还不便宜??有找到更便宜的请报上来,我也想知道那里.....那天有 状态超猛,所以兄弟们,对不起咯,老弟我通杀,哈哈哈.......
打完桌球了,要回家了......在回家的路途中发生了一些很好小,但又不方便说出来的事,哈,很想懂吧??哈哈,不能告诉你 :p
今天是最后半天留在马六甲了,所以一早醒来,收拾好行李,check out之后,我就带他们去吃另外的当地美食,中华鸡粒饭.....朋友们第一次吃,所以大家都也是赞不绝口,但其实你吃久了就会觉得其实跟普通的海南鸡饭 没什么分别,就是它的饭是搓成一粒粒罢了,哈....
之后当然要带他们去红屋拍照留念和买纪念品咯,然后还有带他们坐三轮车,个个都很开心,因为 很多尝试都是第一次,哈......然后又回来红屋血拼了,他们买了很多很多纪念品,还有买了超便宜的t-shirt(我也有买:p),可是他们在那里逗 留的时间太久了,开始怕有一点点来不及了,所以就立刻把他们全部赶走,然后去"陈金福土产店"买土产,买土产的时候又发生了很搞笑但又不方便说出来的事 情,哈哈.......
买完土产后就要带他们去这次旅行的最后一站了-----cosmo noodle bar
看 看时间,其实应该来的及感到的,妈的!谁料到那种时间,那种地方,竟然塞车!!!不过还好,还是赶到了,朋友们带着依依不舍的心情离开了马六甲,而我和另 外三个朋友要去把租来的车还了,然后我们也开始回家了,我是回来c"yberjaya,他们三个就坐ivan车回怡保,我们这次的旅行就这样玩了,不过还 算是------成功!!!
马六甲的朋友们,对不起咯,本来答应你们要多留几天来跟你们一起过圣诞节的,但是因为我玩了几天,很累了,又没钱了,然后大部分的朋友都不在马六甲,很闷,所以最后决定会cyber了,下次有机会我一定会再来的啊 :p
我讨厌失眠的滋味,感受......已经很累很累,非常疲倦了,但还是在床上躺了几小时,还是睡不着......最近真的很累了,又要忙着安排我和 一群老死党去马六甲的行程,又要忙着在全创,这边开会那边开会,一个星期的两个assignment,还有不到两个星期的考试,天啊!!!我真的快受不了 了.......
其实我感觉不好受的并不是那些一大堆的工作,比如说全创,在我中学时我都时常有办一些活动,但最大型的只是全霹雳州,而这个全创是全国性的,我感到 非常有兴趣,所以就想试试再搞一次大型的活动,所以我并没有为了这些而烦恼,我烦恼的是,为什么我会一次又一次失眠啊???我必须要有足够的睡眠,精神, 那我才能够应付这些东西啊,但为什么我却偏偏失眠呢??再这样下去我怕我很快会撑不住了...... -_-"
那时,你试下牵起他的手,看一看四周,想想....... 在茫茫人海中,为什么偏偏会是他跟你走在一起??为什么偏偏你们又会遇上??很神奇吧??这就是缘分......
field theory....
haiz, juz finished my field theory final test, tired....
erm... actually can say nt doin it very well la, bt i think still ok gua, hope so la, hehe...
i spend 4 days 2 study this subject, coz my mid term juz ngam ngam enuf makan only, bt luckily my tutor treat us very well, he gave our course work very high marks, so, thx ya, Mr. FaradayLa, hehe...
k la, wan slp d, last nite till now never slp oso, very very slppy liao... even i felt very very tired when i was doin the exam, bt i feel happy oso coz at least i noe how 2 do abit la, hehe...
ok la, really wan slp d, 2nite wanna burn up midnite oil again, haiz, suffer....
good luck 2 all my frens lo. ++U++U....
最近我失眠了,可能是考试压力大吧,已经连续三晚失眠了....... 刚才本来打算要睡的,但最后还是在床上滚来滚去,根本无法入睡,所以就决定起身再继续冲刺咯,谁知道又越读越闲,结果不就来更新一下我的部落各咯......
最近真的睡得很不好啊,但我又能做什么呢??什么都得自己承受,自己扛,真的很累很累,累积旧了,就形成了很大很大的压力,又加上期末大考,真的是 犹如背着重重的包袱,很想把它放下休息休息,但又有谁愿意让个位给我,跟我一起分担呢?? 我答应自己,这个期末大考之后我一定要好好让自己休息,回家充充电,然后再继续作战!!!
水瓶座潜 存的顽固性,平时不易表露出来,给人的一般印象是柔和舒畅的冷静及客观的观察力,积极而强烈的求知心,坚定的意志力和公正的判断力,然由於其刚正不阿的个 性,极为厌恶逢迎巴结的小人姿态具有公正无私的一面。这种硬梆梆的态度,容易被误解为薄情寡义,在不违原则的情况下,倒是不妨通融一下。因为过分的冷静和 理智,就缺乏人情味,这对人际关系来说,影响颇大。
水瓶人深厌束缚的天性使得他们纵使在在婚姻中仍需维持某种程度的独立自主,瓶子的伴侣对这点特质切记须予以尊重和谅解,才能维系良好的感情,因 为让瓶子感到受困是种不智之举,他们会力求脱困,如果你对瓶子绑得愈紧,那麽他跑得愈快,最高层次的作法就像如来佛对孙猴子一般,让他感觉海阔天空,实情 则为他仍在你掌握之中。事实上即使他的伴侣温柔而体谅,水瓶座的人依然喜欢独处,而不喜欢别人的干扰,他们认为享受孤独是一件美妙的艺术。水瓶座中较好的一类型,婚姻生活稳定,会忠於妻子,不过却不解风情。
关於爱情,忠实、深情、永恒都是他喜见的字眼。如果瓶子爱上你,凡是你们相爱的任何时刻,他都是忠实的。万一爱情故事结束,他也仍然恋旧,虽不可挽 回,也深情如昔。瓶子们以此保障「真爱可以永恒」。而完美主义使得水瓶座人的爱情,发生机率虽然多,但成功机会却少。占有欲也将在他的爱情史上成为「腥风 血雨」的造成因素。好色但不久精神上的恋爱最重要精神上的恋爱,对水瓶座来说,非常重要。肉欲的享受绝非水瓶座追求爱情的动力。换言之,瓶子们要的是「有 大脑的爱情」。如果你长得不赖,但是没啥求知欲,又不算是个天才,想纯以外貌惑水瓶座人,是妄想,当然,好色的瓶子也许会试一试,但不会长久。
水瓶座人讨厌复杂的爱情游戏,他可能在未开始时使你觉得他对你很暧昧,但一旦恋情展开,一切都转向明朗、公开而正式。他希望向所有的朋友介绍他的情 人,那时,他的表情是满足而怯的,但又喜不自禁。别弄出叁角关系来考他,他的人生拒绝处理这种无聊的考题。通常他也不会轻易给自己制造这种考题。但是当水瓶座人的真爱还没出现时,的确令人怀疑他喜欢处在多角关系中,总得他养了一缸肥鱼,不知到底会选上哪一条放进最机密的心瓶中。
虽然具有强烈的右爱精神,但这是因为他有必须友爱的观念,而不是个人感情上的燃烧。当他对某人有兴趣时,主要是因为想知道对方为什麽会那样做的一种知性关心,一旦让他找到答案,他会立刻转移兴趣的目标。外表看起来,水瓶座的人充满魅力,很有社交手腕。但本质上,却有着爱好孤独,不喜别人靠近的冷淡的一面。看起来好像跟大家相处得不错,其实却巧妙的保持相当的距离。 关於爱情忠实、深情、永恒都是他喜见的字眼
关於爱情,忠实、深情、永恒都是他喜见的字眼。如果瓶子爱上你,凡是你们相爱的任何时刻,他都是忠实的。万一爱情故事结束,他也仍然恋旧,虽不可挽 回,也深情如昔。瓶子们以此保障「真爱可以永恒」。而完美主义使得水瓶座人的爱情,发生机率虽然多,但成功机会却少。占有欲也将在他的爱情史上成为「腥风 血雨」的造成因素。好色但不久精神上的恋爱最重要精神上的恋爱,对水瓶座来说,非常重要。肉欲的享受绝非水瓶座追求爱情的动力。换言之,瓶子们要的是「有 大脑的爱情」。如果你长得不赖,但是没啥求知欲,又不算是个天才,想纯以外貌惑水瓶座人,是妄想,当然,好色的瓶子也许会试一试,但不会长久。
水瓶座人讨厌复杂的爱情游戏,他可能在未开始时使你觉得他对你很暧昧,但一旦恋情展开,一切都转向明朗、公开而正式。他希望向所有的朋友介绍他的情 人,那时,他的表情是满足而怯的,但又喜不自禁。别弄出叁角关系来考他,他的人生拒绝处理这种无聊的考题。通常他也不会轻易给自己制造这种考题。但是当水瓶座人的真爱还没出现时,的确令人怀疑他喜欢处在多角关系中,总得他养了一缸肥鱼,不知到底会选上哪一条放进最机密的心瓶中。
again, again, n again....
another post b4 my final liao...
actually hor... everytime b4 the final test o, sure i'll create a new post de, dunno u all notice bout it onot ler, he...
erm... after 1 week is my final on my BETA year 1st sem liao, abit stress n tension ler... erm... dunno wat happened in this sem, in the early sem still ok de, bt dunno y all my mood 2 study had gone after i back from the mid term break.... after the mid term break, there was many many things happened 2 me, bt luckily i was able 2 handle it, and for sure full of yours support and advise... even i success 2 handle my problems, bt dunno y i still cannot concentrate on my studies again, owez cannot concentrate on wat m i study, the mind keep on thinking bout other things...
erm... b4 i write this post, i viewed all my post b4 again, n many many sweet n sad memories come 2 my mind again, haiz... i think hows my life in melaka again, it was really a very very sweet memory, and it was oso a memory tat i dun wan 2 lost... miss u all so much, i dunno how 2 show bout my feeling, bt i really appreciate tat u all gave me a lots of fun, thx... really many many things happened in melaka, 4 those who still in melaka, plz, plz u all muz appreciate wat u all having now, funs, frens, foods, and happiness... mayb all these things are nt so important 4 some people, bt once u seperate v all these funs, den u will get noe hows the feeling, n u all wont like the feeling de...
during the trip 2 melaka last week, i cried... 1 of my ex-housemate made me cry... he told me tat he is very suffer now, all his new housemate juz like a stranger, nt like wat v did b4, they all juz owez lock their room n doin their own things, even his 2 roommate oso nt closed 2 him at all... den he said tat he miss the time v lived 2gather a lot, anything oso can share v all of our housemte, no matter happiness or sadness... 1 of his example is, he bought many new things 4 his pc liao, bt no 1 in his house ask bout it bout how much arr, y u bought this arr... bt if 4 us?? haha, v all sure will say he very lanci ar, bangga arr, den very rich 2 bought so many things arr... at least he can share his things 2 someone, bt unfortunately, none of his housemate bother bout it... den made me think bout my ixora life again, n my tears come out automatically... i miss it very much oso... although my housemates in cyber r nice oso, bt i still miss my ixora life, i do not means tat i dun like where m i staying now, bt... the relationship between here n ixora is nt the same, ixora is a very very happy n big family....
den bout my normal life... damn boring...
now, in cyber, when i feel hungry or feeling wanna 2 eat something, i'll decide 2 cook myself, y?? coz if i dun wan 2 cook myself, den i juz hv 2 choices, 1 is dun wan eat, den the another choice is eat the indian or malay food... i do not means tat i dun like those foods, bt if everytime eat the same things at the same place, wa, really boring... bt b4 this ler?? when i was in melaka, ha... cincai cincai oso hv EP burger, mmu corner, big big cup, mario, moli.......................... so many choices, nt only the place, bt frens oso... cincai cincai call oso hv fren wanna come out 2 accompany i, here nt the same, they all can accompany i oso, bt owez the same ppl oso, somemore juz 4 or 5 ppl, haiz... u all still remember how many ppl when v went out in melaka?? i think everytime v go out oso at least 10 up 2 20++ ppl rite?? haiz... miss u all very much...
mooncake festival coming le, i still remember how i passed it last year, v all gathered at ixora swimming pool 2gather n hang the tang long 2gather, den v went 2 mitc eat roti, here?? haiz... i think this year hv 2 celebrate it myself, alone le... sigh... mayb wont alone la, bt i think juz few small cats lo, sad....
den er... i miss all my meimei a lot arr.... u all owez mad mad de, very happy 2 be v u all, u all owez make me feel very relax and happy, when i was being v u all, all my sadness will automatically get out from my mind, i will stop thinking bout it, n i will enjoy the moment 2 be v u all... now only can chat v u all through msn, cannot hear all ur voices, haiz.... miss u all very much la, u all muz owez remember n miss me oso o.... Y^_^Y
k la, very very late le, 4.30am liao, wan continue study le.... good luck 2 all mmu frens la, all the best in ur final lo, hope 2 c those in melaka soon, keep in touch lo...
*|* ++U++U...... *|*
after the melaka trip...
i went 2 melaka from 13th - 17th september...
in this few days, i was very happy, coz i can meet all my frens in melaka again, n v had fun 2gather again...
after the trip 2 melaka, i was very happy + sad...
i was very happy coz i can enjoy my life in melaka again, a life tat full of happiness... very thank you 2 u all in melaka, u all really brought me a lot of fun, very difficult 2 have a same life in cyber, in cyber oso few people only, nt like in melaka, hang out v around 20 people, syok...
besides tat, i can go skul v u all again, long time din go skul 2gather v u all liao, the way tat v study is nt same 2 other people, out skul time oso full of happiness, although v nt very concentrate on wat lecturer said ( dun scold ya... ), bt wat v gain from the class is... our friendship... a unstoppable relationship between us....
for sure, not only all my ex-classmate, my ex-housemate n all my meimei oso gv me a lot of fun, even the time 4 us 2 be 2gather is short, bt it was very happy, long time din talk v u all liao, very happy coz u all look still happy, u all happy, den i oso happy... ^_^
den bout the sadness... actually the sadness oso coz of u all, y u all so nice de?? u all owez made me felt dun wan 2 leave u all, i really miss the life in melaka, now in cyber have 2 "puasa" oso, sigh.... after this few days, much much memories come 2 my mind again, how v study in the class, how v talk n live in B073A, the situation tat v went out 2gather..... many many..... i wan 2 complain 2 MMU ady, y muz MMU separated into 2 campus?? y v all cannot being 2gather again?? y...?? i n tzeing owez talk bout how v study in melaka, v both really very sad when v talk bout it....
u all muz owez remember me arr, dun try 2 4gt bout me, n u all muz come 2 cyber 2 find us when u all r free, noe?? n 4 all my meimei o, u all muz owez tk k of each other, dun make me worry lo....
ok la, wish u all good luck in the coming final, v all gambatte 2gather lo, ++U++U....
大家对不起 咯,之前的post才说我是不会让你们失望的阿春,但我忘了有一件事情事,我让大家失望了, 那件事我不方便告诉大家,我也不想提起,但我想你们应该也会慢慢的发觉到吧......或者已经有些朋友已经知道或开始怀疑了,我希望大家可以跟我一起加 油.......
在这里,我要向那些在我最难过,最难受的时候陪我一起度过和安慰我的人说声谢谢,你们真的帮了我很多......虽然我的心情还没平伏下来,但我一 定会试着好好的生活的,我要你们记得,我是不会让你们失望的阿春,我不会这么容易被打败的,但此刻的我,还是非常难受,但我一定会努力加油的,我要让你们 从新看到当初的阿春,谢谢你们,我不会忘记你们的......
最近发生很多很多的事......首先是......接着是......然后又......这么多的事情忽然全部发生在我身上,我真的会承受不住 的,请你们不要再这样对我了,我真的很累很累了,让我好好的开心的过完我的大学生涯吧,我好不容易站起来了,请不要再把我弄倒,让我好好的走完大学的路 吧......
Ixora Apartment B07-03A
Ixora Apartment B07-03A, a simple unit tat i stayed when i was studying in mmu melaka, this unit formed by 7 housemates - HK, Casper, Jiro, Choon, Ivan, Aaron, n Haur...
i think it is a fate n luck can stayed v u all, i can stayed here without any worries or sadness tat might happened in other units, very glad 2 noe u all... this is my 1st time staying without my family members 4 so long, n luckily u all r so nice n owez bring me alots of fun...
i remember tat 1 of my housemate typed his msn personal message as "B073A-sohai bt happy"... really, although v all doin such useless things, bt i really enjoyed it, v laughted 2gather, v sang 2gather, v eat 2gather, drink 2gather, etc...... thx u all 4 carrying me n helping me in my alpha life, mayb i had brough alots problems 2 u all, bt i hope u all wont put it in ur heart... gonna miss u all liao, plz dun try 2 4gt any1 of our housemates, v still r nice housemates, nt staying in the same house, bt staying in the same heart...... B07-03A, i love u all, muz owez keep in touch, 4 my eldest housemate-HK, wish u all the best in ur future career, my ex-housemate-Haur, muz study hard in Taylor liao, den 4 Casper, Jiro, Ivan, n Aaron, all the best in ur coming degree life, i wish all my housemates all the best in wat u all wan 2 do in future, good luvk 2 u all, muz owez keep in touch lo, bye bye 2 all my beloved housemates....
haiz, finally finished my alpha year in mmu melaka le, bt y m i feeling so unhappy?? bcoz i hv 2 seperate v most of my frens liao...
actually i supposed very happy after over the last final paper, v all went 4 our last photographing session... bt when v all were taking the photo, i started feeling nt happy, bcoz all our memorises in mmu melaka following out of my mind, all our happiness in this year had come 2 the end...
y?? y muz mmu separate into 2 campuses??y?? if there is no other campus, then v all ma can stay 4 another 4 years lo, y?? really sad, y muz v separate?? i dun wan 2 leave u all, bt i hv no choice...
finally, thx u all 4 being my frens, thx u all 4 brough me so much happy memorises, thx... if there was any mistake tat i made, soli 2 u all, i wont 4gt u all, gambatte 4 u all future, all the best in anything tat u all wan 2 do, tats all liao, keep in touch la, gv me a call or send me a simple sms when u free la, i miss u all, bye bye.....
our group-t......
lolz... finally v can gt our PE09 group-t liao, bt....
haha, actually the design is quite nice de, bt the producer mk it wrong ady... the quality n the saiz of the shirt all nt same as wat he showed 2 us b4, the quality of the sample tat he showed very nice de, n the size oso very suit 1, how come the shirt now like this de... den the back of the shirt oso, the wing damn small, v told him v wan very very big ady de, colour wrong oso, now the group-t looks like many spaces liao....
anyway, although the group-t tat v gt nt same as wat v design, bt i still like it very much, coz it is a memorable shirt 4 us, the shirt included our academic advisor and all our classmates' name, it was oso printed our group slogan -- ONE 9 LINKS WE ALL TOGETHER EVEN WE COME FROM DIFFERENT PLACES -- ......
as conclusion, i like the group-t.....
long time din create any new post in my blog liao, so i choose the time i'm taking a small rest when i was preparing 4 the final...
2day is the last day b4 the final test, this final test is the final 4 my foundation life, after the test, my foundation life will bcum a memory, n i will switch 2 cyberjaya campus soon......
my 1st test will held on 14-5-2007(monday), all the best 2 all mmu student espeacially PE09 & PE10, 4 sure 2 the special "u" oso... after the test, all PE09 & PE10 students maight b seperated 2 other campus or course, bt v still r frens.... i knew u all since last year, i remember u all now, n i will nt 4gt u all in the future...
good bye all my dear frens in mmu mlk, no matter u r engineering, management, or IT student, i wish all of u good luck and all the best in ur future, if u will staying here den dun try 2 4gt bout me, n 4 those who r goin cyber, c u in next sem, i wont 4gt any1 of u de..... nt only 2 my frens, good bye 2 mmu mlk campus oso, it is a nice place, n a memorable place.....
finally, good luck 2 all of u in the final, gambatte... all the best in ur future, keep in touch..... bye, my frens.....
the "9" will never end......
2007.03.30 | |
hello all my frens, where will u all goin 2 continue ur degree?? very sad tat our 1 year foundation life is goin 2 over..... 4 those who will staying in melacca campus, i wish all of u will keep our PE09 as a memory in ur life, n 4 those who goin 2 cyber, i hope tat all of u will nt 4gt our PE09 happy memory n 4 sure muz links up our groupmates at cyber again...... last bt nt least, very sad 2 tell u all tat i'll goin 2 cyber, bt i wont 4gt bout u all de, i will remember all the happiness tat u all gv me in this year, thx 4 all ur coorperation, if i made any mistake in this year, i hope it wont b a factor 2 lead our friendship 2 the end...... trust me, i really appreciate u all, n i oso will comin back 2 visit u all when i free de, dun 4gt bout me ya, keep in touch......
one "9" links we all together even we all come from different places, and the "9" will never end.......
my 1st birthday in mmu......
10-2-2007, my 19th birthday, bt it is a speacial birthday 4 me coz this is my 1st birthday in MMU......
the day b4 my birthday, all my classmates celebrated it at malim stimbot, v ate alot alot alot, n finally they all succeed 2 push my face in the birthday cake T_T.... v all go 2 my apartment n play card, when v all playing card, i felt very suprise coz i recieved a call from "you", after play card den v go yamcha, i reached home from yamcha around 5.30am, i continue wif my birthday on watching anime till 7.15am.... y do i still awake at this time?? coz my basketball team "SPYDA" hv a basketball trainnig on 7.30am... although i sacrificed my time 2 slp, bt i still happy coz i scored alot, haha -_-" after the trainnig v all go yamcha n talk bout our team, finally v gt our new jersey, n i gt my 6th jersey no.10, den i go zzZZZ on 12.30pm.....
ring!!! 2.30pm, hv 2 wake up liao coz my frens ask me 2 go mahkota parade on 3pm, den shop, shop, shop, n shop till 9pm, n finally my birthday celebration is over, n i was very very tired, bt i still dun wan 2 zzZZZ coz i was waiting something, i wacth anime again beside waiting..... 3am! cannot tahan liao, i go n zzzZZ with sadness, sad 4 failed on my waiting.......
wat m i waiting 4?? i wait from 10-2-2007 0000 till now, 11-2-2007 1448, bt...... now i fell very angry coz i din recieved a call from another "you", u r 1 of my brothers, how can u 4gt bout my birthday?? u r 1 of the brothers tat closest to me, how can u 4gt it?? how can u make this mistake?? izit something happened 2 u?? my 19th birthday is over with this sad waiting......
当一个人患上绝症时,她的家人,朋友,爱人,甚至是自己又会怎样去面对现实呢?? 这部戏真的是太感人了,大家都在看着自己的至亲一天比一天的虚弱,直到她离开的那一刻...... 她虽然知道自己患上的是绝症,但她并没有放弃她自己,反而更努力去帮助跟自己一样不幸的人,她离开的那一刻,她流泪了,因为她不能再继续她那伟大的使命 了......
这部戏让我领悟到做人真的要懂得珍惜,珍惜眼前所有的一切,这样做人才不会有遗憾;如果不懂得去珍惜,到失去时必定是个遗憾...... 我们必须活得没有遗憾,那么当我们离开的那一刻才不会流下一公升的眼泪......
my early birthday celebration.....
haha, another post again...
b4 the day i moving back 2 mmu, all my hometown frens celebrated my birthday 4 me coz i'll not in my hometown during my birthday, they all bought 2 watches as my birthday present, n i like both very much...
thank you again 2 all my hometown frens...
a small break from the preparation 4 the last paper.....
2molo is the last paper 4 this sem liao, the test will begain from 9-11am, den v will free liao....
after this two days exam, i feel very sad coz i did both the test badly, hope the test 4 2molo will b better, n it is oso my strongest sbj--Physics.....
ok la, hv 2 continue study liao, good luck 2 all PE09 n oso my MMU frens, all the best...
last day 4 2006......
haiz, 1 day again hv 2 say bye bye 2 2006 lo....
year 2006 is a very important year 4 me in my life coz many things tat change my life happened in this year....
the most memorable thing is i started my university life at Multimedia University... before i gt offer from MMU, i think i'll continue my studies in form 6, since i gt a good offer from MMU, sure i continue my studies at there lo... the day before i come 2 MMU, i was very sad, i hate the time passed so fast, as the time passed faster, my time 2 be wif all my best frens oso goin 2 the end faster. finally i came 2 MMU wif a very strange feeling...
1st week in MMU, damn boring!!! but after the orientation week, my life in MMU changed... i was in PE09, the most crazy group from all Foundation in Engineering groups... i feel proud 2 be in this group, it juz like a big family, v all owez laugh 2gether, v never feel sad when v r gather. bt unfortunately, v hv 2 start our last sem in alpha year liao, v will choose the different courses n go 2 different campus, means most of us will not spend our MMU life 2gether again... i hate this will happen again, as wat happened when i hv 2 leave all my hometown "brothers", the feeling really bad, coz v all noe since primary school, so i hate the feeling....
ok la, hv 2 continue 2 prepare 4 the coming final test liao, wish all of u all the best in the coming new year la..... bye!
different mood on X'mas....
2006.12.25 | |
yeah!!! finally i start my blog wif this 1 post liao!!!
y so free 2 start my blog on x'mas?? coz i dun hv any celebrations 4 this year's x'mas, damn boring at home, so......
actually i'm having different mood when i typing this post..... 1st, sure i'm very happy coz finally i start my 1st post n share my life wif u all lo...... 2ndly, i feel very sad on this X'mas, although i went 2 countdown 4 the x'mas, bt i dun hv any plan 4 my x'mas T_T
actually my hometown fren gt plan on x'mas de, they all went pulau pangkor on x'mas eve n goin back on x'mas night, but since i gt a physics test on 23rd, so i missed this opportunity 2 celebrate wif all my "brothers".....
2331, 29mins again will b the end of this x'mas..... i wish all my hometown frens happy everyday n good luck 4 my mmu frens in the coming final test......
farewell + ing 4 the x'mas n starting 2 countdown 4 2007......